Ayahuasca Healing Retreat – Things You Need To Know

Growing numbers of Westerners are rushing to the Amazon since the past decade for an experience of a powerful and ancient hallucinogenic tea called Ayahuasca. Some visitors seek for ayahuasca healing retreats to treat chronic illness and want to overcome an addiction. An ayahuasca experience, if approached in the right way, can be deeply therapeutic and optimistic. However, Traumatic emotions can leave the recipients in worse shape than before. With prior research and appropriate vetting, you can find the best ayahuasca purge and avoid such risks.
To help you understand the workings of this mysterious Amazon brew, here a basic guide for the beginners.


Ayahuasca is a brew made from the Psychotria Viridis shrub leaves along with the Banisteriopsis caapi vine stalks. However, other plants and its ingredients can also be included in the mixture.
This drink was first used by ancient Amazonian tribes for religious and spiritual reasons and is still consumed by some religious groups in North America and Brazil. Typically, the tea is prepared by a curandero or a shaman by boiling leaves of the Psychotria Viridis shrub and Banisteriopsis caapi vine's stalk in water.
The Banisteriopsis caapi vine is cleaned and hammered to increase the extraction of its therapeutic agents before it is boiled.
When the brew is prepared to the satisfaction of the shaman, the water is drained and stored, leaving the substance behind. This procedure is repeated until the production of a highly concentrated liquid. When the brew has cooled, it is strained to eliminate impurities.

Composition Of Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca's principal ingredients are Psychotria Viridis and Banisteriopsis caapi. They both have hallucinogenic properties. Psychotria Viridis comprises (DMT) N, N-dimethyltryptamine, a naturally occurring psychedelic substance within the plant.

DMT is a potent hallucinogenic drug. However, it has poor bioavailability and quickly decomposed in your liver and a gastrointestinal tract by enzymes called monoamine oxidases (MAOs).
Thus, it is necessary to combine DMT with any compound containing MAO inhibitors (MAOIs), allowing DMT to take its effect. Banisteriopsis caapi comprises of potent β-carboline called MAOIs that also have their psychoactive effects.

When combined, these two plants make a strong psychedelic brew that affects your central nervous system, contributing to a state of consciousness. That may include effects like hallucinations, euphoria, and out-of-body experiences.

Working Of Ayahuasca

Although Ayahuasca has generally been used by special communities for spiritual and religious reasons, it has become popular around the world among those seeking a way of opening their minds, healing from traumatic experiences, or simply experiencing Ayahuasca.

It is generally advised that Ayahuasca be taken only when monitored by a knowledgeable shaman because care is required of those who consume. This is because the Ayahuasca trip causes an altered condition of consciousness that can last for several hours.

Many people travel to a country such as Costa Rica, Brazil, and Peru, where you can find ayahuasca retreat that is very popular.  They are run by professional shamans who prepare the drink and supervise the participants. Before taking part in an Ayahuasca ritual, participants are advised to abstain from narcotics, alcohol, and caffeine to cleanse their bodies.

It is often recommended to control different diets for 2–4 weeks before the experience. It is believed that this will free the toxins from the body.


Ayahuasca has potent hallucinogenic effects and can have both positive and negative effects on health. Much further work is needed to assess if it can be used for other health problems as a safe alternative therapy.
If you're interested in taking part in an Ayahuasca experience, do your research and know that complete safety isn't guaranteed — even if an experienced shaman prepares and delivers the Ayahuasca.


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